Colline’s kitchen launch small business raffle! 01 May 2020

Raffle is now closed, Thank you for all the support!

In an effort to support West Berks & Reading fellow small business owners Colline's Kitchen have come up with a bingo raffle. They aim to give away 13 (and counting) amazing prizes or vouchers to lucky winners.

This raffle is open to UK residents only.

All you need to do to enter is:

  • Pick a number between 1-100
  • Each number is £5
  • You can buy as many numbers as you like

To enter, buy your raffle ticket here

We will then do a live draw picking the first 13 numbers and announcing them as winners when all the squares have been bought.

The prizes so far are: 

Please note** You will need to be 18+ to claim the prize of 137Gin. We will need to check your ID before this prize is released.